Moderaator: Jaanus
- V järgu kommentaator
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- Postitusi: 52
- Liitunud: 23 Sept 2005, 16:51
- Asukoht: Tallinn
"Laupäeval, 7. jaanuaril toimub Harjumaal Laitse paarisrajal jäärajavõistlus. Varem Tallinn - Haapsalu maantee äärde"
Can anybody help me, I´d love to know where exactly that will take place.
I mean, do you know the adress? Is it easy to find/do you have to walk a long way? (got a lazy husband)
Thanks a lot!
Can anybody help me, I´d love to know where exactly that will take place.
I mean, do you know the adress? Is it easy to find/do you have to walk a long way? (got a lazy husband)
Thanks a lot!
Viimati muutis expat1, 20 Veebr 2006, 16:29, muudetud 2 korda kokku.
- V järgu kommentaator
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- Postitusi: 52
- Liitunud: 23 Sept 2005, 16:51
- Asukoht: Tallinn
Hi, I´d need your help again folks:
next weekend will be two rallisprints, and I can´t figure out where exactly (again)
I´d need to know where I can find the Verevi järv in Elva, I´d be coming from Tartu on the No. 3
And could anybody explain to me where Kõpu is? And where I have to go from there? I think it´s between Viljandi and Kilingi-Nõmme but I´d be very happy if someone could tell me the exact place
Thanks a lot!
I´m posting here because I don´t want to abuse certain persons as helpdesk too much
next weekend will be two rallisprints, and I can´t figure out where exactly (again)
I´d need to know where I can find the Verevi järv in Elva, I´d be coming from Tartu on the No. 3
And could anybody explain to me where Kõpu is? And where I have to go from there? I think it´s between Viljandi and Kilingi-Nõmme but I´d be very happy if someone could tell me the exact place
Thanks a lot!
I´m posting here because I don´t want to abuse certain persons as helpdesk too much
- Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
- Reactions: 0
- Postitusi: 1864
- Liitunud: 02 Jaan 2005, 16:32
- Asukoht: Elva
In this on I can help you,because I live in Elva.If you are coming from No.3 then you can´t miss Elva.You can see big ELVA sign,next to overpass.Then drive over the overpass to Elva.Then straight until you have to turn right and then just straight. The lake is on your right side hand.YOU CAN'T MISS IT!