Akropolise ralli III päev

Maailma rallitippude käekäigust

Moderaatorid: Jaanus, KAIKUL, Strike, Erki, jagr

Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2184
Liitunud: 22 Veebr 2003, 17:33
Asukoht: Tallinn

Akropolise ralli III päev

Postitus Postitas kaits »

Jäänud on veel viimane päev. Sõita on 6 katsest 5. Eks jääb üle hoida omadele pöialt. Urmo stardi koht pole küll parim, läheb rajale teisena

18 Avlonas 1 20 07:33
19 Assopia 1 17,87 08:13
21 Avlonas 2 20 12:05
22 Assopia 2 17,87 12:45
23 Hippodrome 3 3,2 14:30

Lingid ralli jälgimiseks
http://live.bfgoodrich.com/~bfg/WRC_200 ... ceclas.php

SSS - Live Link http://mfile.akamai.com/20546/live/refl ... bkup=52846
Viimati muutis kaits, 03 Juun 2007, 08:25, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
Ralli võib vahest kah teine elu eesmärk olla
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2184
Liitunud: 22 Veebr 2003, 17:33
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas kaits »

Esimesed katsed Urmol veits jamad. Ilmselt uus auto ja uued kogemused teisena rajal. Kuid selle eest teeb Rauam tegusid tänasel esimesel olles finisis teise ajaga
Ralli võib vahest kah teine elu eesmärk olla
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2393
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 06:45
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas veteran »

Kui Urmol on kaks esimest katset suht tagasihoidlikult läinud,siis Martin on 18-nda küll vägevalt põrutanud
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1069
Liitunud: 25 Jaan 2004, 21:11
Asukoht: Võru

Postitus Postitas Antilera »

hommikust ka minu poolt.

minu meelest väga hea ja kasulik õpetlik ralli aavale olnud. esimesel päeval sai autot tundma, teisel päeval sai autost juba midagi välja imeda ja tempot tõsta ja kolmandal päeval nüüd saab siis ka nö. sahakogemuse kätte. seega väga palju uut korraga näha kogeda ja õppida.
G.M. Racing :)
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1058
Liitunud: 16 Nov 2004, 14:17
Asukoht: keskel

Postitus Postitas GC »

Oli juttu, et Aaval puudub "splitimasin", aga ometi need ju jooksevad!?
III järgu kommentaator
III järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 206
Liitunud: 18 Apr 2003, 11:48

Postitus Postitas revolutsionäär »

jaa rauam ss18 2. koht, ss19 18.koht
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 3012
Liitunud: 17 Veebr 2003, 13:45
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas Frank »

GC kirjutas:Oli juttu, et Aaval puudub "splitimasin", aga ometi need ju jooksevad!?
No esimesel päeval ju polnud tal splitte.
"Come on, you can see more than that"
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1058
Liitunud: 16 Nov 2004, 14:17
Asukoht: keskel

Postitus Postitas GC »

Frank kirjutas:
GC kirjutas:Oli juttu, et Aaval puudub "splitimasin", aga ometi need ju jooksevad!?
No esimesel päeval ju polnud tal splitte.
Ei olnudki! Seda rohkem paneb imestama, et eile ja täna on... seadme väidetava kõrge hinna valguses!
IV järgu kommentaator
IV järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 118
Liitunud: 31 Mai 2007, 22:36

Postitus Postitas toriseja »

vabandan asjatundmatuse pärast aga ehk kaasnes splitte võimaldav seade lihtsalt garde autoga? igal juhul on splittidega tema sõitu jälgida hoopis teine tera, või oli see teise päeva hea kiiruse süü, mine nüüd võta kinni. paar katset veel ja suur kogemus juures. tahaks seda mitsut juba eestis näha!
II järgu kommentaator
II järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 301
Liitunud: 18 Jaan 2007, 01:17
Meeldimisi saanud: 1

Postitus Postitas box »

aga kas FIA või korraldajad ei jaga esimesele x paremale autole splitimasinaid?
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1058
Liitunud: 16 Nov 2004, 14:17
Asukoht: keskel

Postitus Postitas GC »

Ehk saame teada!? Aga ilma splittide jälgimise võimaluseta oleks see kaugelt (arvuti tagant) rallile kaasa elamine väga tuim!
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2393
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 06:45
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas veteran »

Date: 3/6/2007
Leg: 3
Service: H Flash No: 25

1 LOEB Sebastien / ELENA Daniel
“We’ll drive carefully until the finish. We didn’t have any problems. I don’t know if I change anything to the set up.”

2 SORDO Daniel / MARTI Marc
“Our times were not so bad and I’m happy with that although we were the first to start the stage. We’ve tested some parts of the car and now we are about to make changes just for testing.”

“Just three stages to go. We’ve just followed Sebastien’s pace.”

“No dramas today. We were just cruising around. The first stage was very fast and slippery and we hit some stones but they caused us no problems. We used compound 9 for the tires and now we’ll change it to 9+ as it’s going to be very hot out there.”

5 STOHL Manfred / Ms MINOR Ilka
“The stages were slippery but it was not so bad. In this rally it was not possible for us to get a higher position although we wanted to.”

7 SOLBERG Petter / MILLS Philip
“We’ll try to slow down and get ready for the next stages. We won’t change the car set up. We are happy for the podium. We have a serious time gap with Sebastien now.”

8 ATKINSON Chris / PREVOT Stephane
“It was not an easy morning for us.”

9 LATVALA Jari Matti / ANTTILA Miika
“It was much better today. The first one was a medium stage. The second was a new one. Nice and fast, quite difficult. The main parts of the stages were clean. We are satisfied with both tires and set up.”

10 SOLBERG Henning / MENKERUD Cato
“The stages were good. We drove slowly; we had some brake problems that will be fixed in the service. I used 9+ tires and won’t change them.”

“In the middle of the first stage we had a small off which cost us 5-6 seconds. There was much dust on the outside and visibility was poor in some parts. We used the hard tires and we aren’t planning any changes.”

15 VOVOS Aris / « EL EM »
“We took a penalty in the last night service because we didn’t change the clutch on time. This has cost us one position in the classification and it may cost us one more as Latvala is only 50 sec behind us.”

16 WILSON Matthew / ORR Michael
“Everything is ok. The 2nd stage was quite difficult. Car works ok. We used same tires and set up.”

18 WILKS Guy / PUGH Phil
«The day was not too bad. We’ll keep the same pace and won’t push until the finish. We wouldn’t do anything extreme. The road was not very clean and we don’t know yet if we keep the same tires and set up.”

“It’s been a fine day for us until now. We didn’t have any problems. We had a fine starting position, so the roads were clean. We’ll choose harder tires.”

21 AAVA Urmo / SIKK Kuldar
“The morning stages were not easy. It were actually slippery but I think they’ll be in better condition now. Our only purpose is to finish as we have faced so many problems throughout the week.”
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2393
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 06:45
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas veteran »

Ja siin ka PWRC-meeste vaheajamuljed. Martinil ikka jamad kütusepumbaga:

Date: 3/6/2007
Leg: 3
Service: H Flash No: 25a

31 ARAI Toshihiro / SIRCOMBE Tony
“Not so easy because I have a pain in the back. The stages were good. I lost two junctions. Now I will drive carefully just to get to the finish.”

“It was very nice today. The stages were better than the previous ones. We will choose harder tires.”

34 HIGGINS Mark / MARTIN Scott
“We’re facing problem with the steering. We’ll fix it and try to get higher.”

Retired with problems in fuel pumps and broken steering arm.

“This morning was good for us. The stages were fantastic. We have no problem. It’s only 3 stages to go.”

40 CAMPEDELLI Simone / FAPPANI Dannilo
“For me it is important to finish the rally. We are taking no risks. In the 2nd stage I went straight in a 180 degrees turn and lost about 15 seconds.”

42 VERTUNOV Evgeniy / TROSHKIN Georgy
“The morning was not that good. In the first stage we were ‘sleeping’ a little bit and in the second, in a right corner, we hit a tree with the left side of the car.”

43 JEREB Andrej / KACIN Miran
“I had a puncture in the first kilometre of the 1st stage and we stoped to change it.”

“The 1st stage was not good for us because we had a puncture and had to stop in the stage to change the tire.”

45 BALDACCI Mirco / AGNESE Giovanni
“The morning was good for us. Now we are third and I will try to push in order to catch Aigner. The second stage was slippery.”

46 ARAUJO Armindo / RAMALHO Miguel
“In the first stage I lost time because of a suspension problem. I couldn’t drive the car. In the second, we faced an engine problem which I don’t know if we can fix it.”

47 AIGNER Andreas / WICHA Klaus
“Quite ok. We had only a broken front left dumber in the last stage but besides that no other problems. Now we are going to fix it.”

48 AMJAD Farrah / LANCASTER Steve
“The stages were slippery. We lost the mousse in the last stage. Car is fine.”

51 RAUAM Martin / KRAAG Kristo
“We had a fuel pump problem in the last stage, the same as yesterday. We’ve changed the pump 3-4 times up to now.”

52 KAMADA Takuma / KASE Naoki
“We are keeping the same pace. We claim 7th because of Hanninen’s problem. I am happy.”

54 POZZO Gabriel / STILLO Daniel
“We are facing gearbox problems but we are going to fix it now. The second stage was very nice, but the first had some big rocks.”
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2184
Liitunud: 22 Veebr 2003, 17:33
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas kaits »

Urmo on teisel läbimisel ja teises splitis 20 sek kiirem kui esimesel läbimisel
Ralli võib vahest kah teine elu eesmärk olla
II järgu kommentaator
II järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 353
Liitunud: 20 Nov 2003, 17:36
Asukoht: Pärnumaa

Postitus Postitas Djb »

Arvan et spliti masin oli puudu kuna auto läks vahetusse ja lihtsalt ei jõutut seda esimeseks päevaks peale kruvida.
:evil: B - group - too fast to race:evil:
I järgu kommentaator
I järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 623
Liitunud: 16 Nov 2005, 13:52
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas Matthiew »

Djb kirjutas:Arvan et spliti masin oli puudu kuna auto läks vahetusse ja lihtsalt ei jõutut seda esimeseks päevaks peale kruvida.
aga spliti masinat ei pidandki alguses selle kalli hinna pärast olema. pigem tuli see gardeka autoga kaasa vms
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2184
Liitunud: 22 Veebr 2003, 17:33
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas kaits »

Urmo teisel läbimisel 30 sek kiirem lõpuks.
Ralli võib vahest kah teine elu eesmärk olla
III järgu kommentaator
III järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 281
Liitunud: 01 Aug 2005, 16:53

Postitus Postitas margu206 »

Aava vist napilt ikkagi edestab N rühma esimest.
III järgu kommentaator
III järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 206
Liitunud: 18 Apr 2003, 11:48

Postitus Postitas revolutsionäär »

ss 22 aava 15.nes.
enam pold vaja teed puhastada ja 30sek kiirem kui esimesel Assopia läbimisel
algaja kommentaator
algaja kommentaator
Postitusi: 16
Liitunud: 29 Mär 2003, 19:01

Postitus Postitas ott87 »

Kas live ka SSSilt tuleb?