Otsing leidis 52 vastet

Postitas expat1
02 Jaan 2006, 10:21
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Could you please let me know...
Vastuseid: 17
Vaatamisi: 18786

Could you please let me know...

...I´d be very happy:

Tänaste TV3 uudiste spordiosas mainiti,et Märtin avaldavat oma plaanid millalgi aasta päris alguses. (quote from mrali, Thread: 2006 tiimide koosseisud)
Postitas expat1
24 Dets 2005, 11:32
Foorum: vaba teema
Teema: Häid Pühi!
Vastuseid: 36
Vaatamisi: 13204

Häid jõule!

I wish all of you a happy christmas and a good new year!
Postitas expat1
16 Dets 2005, 10:02
Foorum: WRC/autoralli MM
Teema: Report about Michael Parks inquest
Vastuseid: 0
Vaatamisi: 2063

Report about Michael Parks inquest


Just thought I share that here, I guess more people will read it here. It feels like back in September, terrible. I have still no words....
Postitas expat1
23 Nov 2005, 20:58
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Michael Park
Vastuseid: 4
Vaatamisi: 5355


I have posted the link on rally.ee

Has anybody posted this here in an estonian thread (vaba teema?), could you be so kind?
Postitas expat1
21 Nov 2005, 16:47
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Angry duck
Vastuseid: 12
Vaatamisi: 10026

Yes, indeed, thank you again kala!!! I took some fotos today in Kentmanni, there´s a car parked with the stickers on the mirrors. Must have looked quite crazy, desperate measures... I think the EOS Shop doesn´t exist anymore, I tried to E-Mail to EOS Rally earlier this year, but I think they didn´t ...
Postitas expat1
21 Nov 2005, 13:49
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Angry duck
Vastuseid: 12
Vaatamisi: 10026

Cool, did you do them yourself? I´d be very happy if I could get my hands on one! Or maybe could it be possible to lend (sell) me a pattern (Size problem) ?
Postitas expat1
21 Nov 2005, 13:42
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Angry duck
Vastuseid: 12
Vaatamisi: 10026

Okay, sorry that I`m so complicated. Kala I can`t see your picture, but Thank you! I found one where it`s quite good visible on the mirrors and the bumper http://www.motorsport.ee/vaata1.php?id=2090&g=52 I hope that works, if not it`s the picture with the number 2090 or on 2069 it` BIIG on the s...
Postitas expat1
21 Nov 2005, 10:23
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Angry duck
Vastuseid: 12
Vaatamisi: 10026

:? hm, now you have said it. I thought they have their name from "spare part" ups. But thats why I´m writing in the english forum I guess...
Postitas expat1
20 Nov 2005, 09:45
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Angry duck
Vastuseid: 12
Vaatamisi: 10026

Okay, nobody...

Another question, does anybody know if there is a copyright on them? I´m thinking of getting some made for myself but don´t want to get problems with potential right owners...
Postitas expat1
18 Nov 2005, 17:13
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: To all Märtin Fans
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 7479

But now that Mikko is with Ford, I guess Chris stays with Subaru. And who is going to sign Markko? Skoda? If they stay? I´m still refusing to believe that, they didn´t vote for Markko...
Postitas expat1
17 Nov 2005, 16:50
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: To all Märtin Fans
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 7479

To all Märtin Fans

:D Look what I´ve found on Petter Solbergs homepage: Steve 42 år fra uk Viki, I would be sad to see Chris leave and I believe he is staying ok! Who am I to know though! Also, if Chris does leave - I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MARKKO MARTIN at Subaru - after all - if Petter cannot win the WRC - I WOULD LOVE D...
Postitas expat1
23 Sept 2005, 17:06
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Angry duck
Vastuseid: 12
Vaatamisi: 10026

Angry duck

Hallo, during the two years I live here in Estonia I have seen cars with angry duck stickers on. All the time I have jealously asked myself where the owners got them. And now I would like to ask you, does anybody know where I can get some of those stickers? Has anybody an idea where I can get hold o...